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SLTV Podcast: EP.4- Unraveling the eSports Enigma with Combo

Ever indulged in a round of Super Smash Brothers Brawl only to realize hours have slipped by in a blink? That's the magic of gaming! Today, we pull back the curtain on the world of competitive gaming with Combo, a champion in the Fighting Game Community (FGC) and an ardent Sonic enthusiast. Brace yourself for a nostalgic roller coaster ride as we delve into Combo's early gaming experiences with Nintendo, and discover how Pokemon and Brawl shaped his love for the FGC. Who knows, you might even feel the thrill we experienced back in the Wii era with each new character added to Brawl!

Imagine the exhilaration of watching the League of Legends Season 3 finals and realizing - this is it, the future of eSports! That's what happened to him, and in our chat, Combo and I talk about how experiences like these, and the sense of community we found in competitive Pokemon playing and online forums; that inspired him to organize Smash tournaments and become a part of this global phenomenon. But that's not all - our narrative also takes you through the twists and turns of participating in a local library tournament, eventually finding a place in the Pokken Tournament scene, and the sheer joy of selecting your favourite Pokemon character for battle.

Step into Combo's shoes and get a taste of the action as we discuss our roles as commentators in the competitive gaming world. From local events to major occasions like DreamHack Austin 2017, we've done it all. Hear about his inspirations, how he balances his online and in-person social interactions, and our attempts to find that elusive "third place" in our lives where we can enjoy a sense of community. Don't forget to check out our conversation on the upcoming FGC events and how we plan to keep fueling our passion for gaming. Remember, whether you're a fellow gamer or just interested in the world of eSports, there's something in here for you!


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