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[ManOnEarf's MusicBox] - IDLES

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

You know, sometimes you just know when a set, and an album might be one of those perfect moments in time for a band. This was one of those moments.

IDLES have been my favourite band for 6 years, they refined everything with Crawler, a mixture of tragedy, persistence, and experience created something special. Joe's voice showed us surprising range, talent, and pure fucking brilliance. It proved he's more than a working mans voice of comedic moments, aggression, and a thick accent. His personality and endearing vulnerability showed us why he's the best goddamn frontman in the business.

If nothing else, watch MTT 420 RR, Car Crash, and Beachland Ballroom from this performance and you'll get it.

With the new album TANGK on the way, IDLES wants to spread love, dancing, and "TANGKS" to all their fans for all the support, and I love it - I love that it's going to be an album about love... But the first single feels like something different, and like it's lost something we may not ever get back.

Today I revisit what makes them so great, and this session encompasses that if you need something to listen to or watch and be inspired by friends!

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